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News / Social

21 Jan. 2020 / 19:32

Study: Cervical cancer mortality is the second leading cause of death among women in the Republic of Moldova

350 new cases of cervical cancer are registered annually in the Republic of Moldova. The data are presented in the context where the European Week for the prevention of cervical cancer takes place on January 20-27, reports Radio Moldova.

Cervical cancer mortality is the second leading cause of death among women in the Republic of Moldova after breast cancer. In 2018 alone, about 360 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer, 160 died of this disease, and over 4,000 are in the medical records.

Specialists recommend vaccinating girls between the ages of 9 and 14, when most have not yet started sexual activity. Some countries have started vaccinating boys as well, because vaccination prevents genital cancer in both men and women. In the Republic of Moldova, HPV vaccination is performed for girls aged 9-10.

Of all the malignancies, cervical cancer may be the most effective preventable by screening. A well-organized screening program, with a recall interval of three to five years, with quality control and adequate supervision and treatment mechanisms for all women screened positively, can reduce both incidence and mortality and can be prevented up to 80% of cervical cancer cases.

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women, accounting for almost 7% of all cancers found in women and the eighth most common cancer in women in Europe or 3.3% of women cancers. In 2018, approximately 311 thousand women worldwide died of cervical cancer, which represents 7.5% of all cancer deaths.

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