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Posted by: Eliza Mihalache

News / Political

22 Sep. 2022 / 15:38

The informational security of the Republic of Moldova, discussed by the Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, with the experts of the Venice Commission

The subject of information security was discussed by the head of the Legislative, Igor Grosu, during the meeting with the members of the delegation of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), which is currently visiting Chisinau. The discussions concerned the amendments to the Audiovisual Media Services Code.

The Parliament Speaker  said that the legislative amendments were directed including against the aggressive militarist propaganda, in order to protect the national audiovisual space and ensure the informational security of the citizens.

"In the current situation of the Republic of Moldova - a war of the Russian Federation in Ukraine; with over half a million Ukrainian citizens crossing our country, it was our duty to intervene legislatively to stop the propaganda. Audiovisual programs that, regardless of their origin, justify wars of aggression, deny war crimes and crimes against humanity or incite hatred, cannot be broadcast," said the Parliament Speaker.

Igor Grosu emphasized that the authorities have the mission to continue providing an objective information space, so that citizens can analyze things based on objective information, not on propaganda and false sources.

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