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News / Political

29 Jan. 2020 / 16:22

Survey: Three parties would enter parliament if early parliamentary elections were held next Sunday

Three parties would enter parliament if early parliamentary elections were held next Sunday: PSRM, PAS and PDM. At least that is what the data from a survey conducted by Intellect Group, from its own financial resources, show. The data show that the most active in the territory are the Socialists, Democrats and the Political Party ŞOR, reports Moldova 1.

Thus, if early parliamentary elections were to take place next Sunday, 31% of Moldovans would vote for the PSRM, for PAS - more than 21 percent, and for Democrats would - over 8%.

As for the presidential election favorites, the Socialist candidate would come out first, with 35.4% of the vote. The candidate of the Party of Action and Solidarity would take 24.3%, and the third would rank the PDM candidate - with 4.7%.

Asked how much they trust politicians, most respondents, or 38%, opted for the country's president Igor Dodon. This is followed by PSRM leader Zinaida Greceanîi - with over 26%. PAS leader Maia Sandu enjoys over 23% confidence and Chisinau Mayor Ion Ceban - just over 15%.

The data also show that the Socialist Party is the most active and present in the localities of the Republic of Moldova, a fact confirmed by 86% of the respondents. With a difference of 20%, the Democratic Party of Moldova is ranked second. The third, with 46%, ranked the Shor Party, on four - with 27% - the Party Action and Solidarity, followed by the PPDA - with 22%.

The survey was conducted on January 16-23, on a sample of 1,334 people. The margin of error is ±3%.

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