Vârsta amintirilor, vârsta împlinirilor – a show for the aged, hosted by the journalist Zina Izbaş. The show is aired every Saturday on Radio Moldova and on TRM.MD. The duration of the show is 25 minutes. Contact information: /22/406-859.
Elena Chirilov reports on the most important events that became history, in the show “Calendarul Zilei”. Starting with 2006, Elena has been hosting the show "Rock Chancelaria"."Here is Chisinau, Radio Moldova. It's ... This is how I started the show and activity at Radio Moldova in the winter of 2005. The first news reel that I hosted, those five minutes of live broadcast, was full of emotion, tremors, adrenaline ... Though these are difficult moments, especially to get up early in the morning at 04.00, yet I firmly say I love this profession, and in front of the microphone I feel as a clam", says Elena Chirilov.
Natalia Spânu
Natalia Spanu came to Radio Moldova eight years ago, by chance. The microphone and the emotions in live shows prevented her from leaving. She says the voice and clothing count less at radio, or the listener appreciates the way you speak. This gives her the freedom to be herself. Natalia says that news is the area that best suits her. She does not imagine her life without Radio, but if she decides to do anything else, Radio Moldova will remain her first love.
Anna Ciuhnenco
Anna Ciuhnenco came to Radio Moldova in 2011. She started her work as a reporter, then began to present the news in Russian. "I love my job. I am always informed with the latest news, I work in a team of professionals, valuable people and the most important is that I report on the latest news from the country and abroad. Every working day inspires me and the radio listeners charge me with energy ", says Anna Ciuhnenco.
Alexandr Petcov
Alexandr Petcov is the voice in Russian at Radio Moldova. He has been working for the national radio for more than four decades. Alexandr Petcov admits that much has changed in his life over the years, but he still has emotions when he has a live transmission. " 40 years ago my first report was live. Over this time, I enjoyed new discoveries, I made new friends and I changed the photo several times in my passport. What is unforgettable is the sense of dedication and the emotions that I have every time I go to the studio and I say to my radio-listeners: Hello! I am Alexandr Petcov presenting! ".
Ludmila Alexei
Teatru la Microfon
Ludmila Alexei is editor-in-chief of Radio Moldova's longest-running program - "Teatru la microfon". She graduated from the faculty of Letters of the "I.Creangă" Pedagogical University of Chisinau. She has lived in Frankfurt-on-Main and in London for six years, and discovered people and places that heightened her passion for art, theater, film and music.
Diana Palade
Album de familie
Diana Palade, presenter of the show „Universul Familiei” hosts the rubrics „Casa Mare” and „Arta de a fi om”. "For six years I have been presenting useful tips, family stories, experiences to help you become aware of your problems. From awareness to solving them is only one step. I invite you to the show "Universul Familiei”, the show that brings peace to your homes. "
Svetlana Sârbu
Album de familie
Svetlana Sîrbu is editor-in-chief of “Cultura” service, host of the show "Album Duminical". "While I was a pupil and then a student, I listened to the literary-artistic programs, which inspired me and motivated me to write and to be creative. I dreamed to speak to the people at the microphone, to be a "good host" like the ones I admired. For 26 years I have been part of the Radio Moldova team and I feel complete and happy in the world of words, imagination, spirit - all we call culture. "
Victor Stahi
Radioabonamentul Prietenii Muzicii
Victor Stahi - the author and host of the Radioabonament “Prietenii Muzicii”, show “O melodie pentru tine” on Friday and of the International Classical Music Festival. He started to host music shows on Radio Moldova when he was a student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moldova State University. One of his aims is to promote national values, authentic values from the world music: pop, folk, symphonic, opera, chamber music.
Larisa Verdeş
Larisa Verdeş hosts the show “Casa Radio” that is aired every day from Monday to Friday. It includes new information and quality music. "The radio is a whole world at your ... ears! A theater of mind, an art of moments with a wide echo in hearts! I was overwhelmed by the warm word, spoken with goodwill and, especially, with discretion, on the radio", she says.
Daniela Gherman
Zi de zi
Young, benevolent, ambitious and hard-working - this is Daniela Gherman, one of the producers of the "Casa Radio" show. She says she likes her work and her future plans concern her work at the National Radio. Radio is her family . "I like to convey color, picture, message and all of them by words. It's the radio that gives me this possibility. It was a childhood dream, but over the years, this dream was kept in the dark, because I was tempted by medicine, then by acting, but in the end I returned to my wish. That's how I got to do journalism. "
Vladimir Javgureanu
Sfaturi pentru agricultori
Vladimir Javgureanu invites you to listen to the morning show “Tara de la Tara”. A radio station means a lot of passion, seriousness, shows and information of public interest, but also adrenaline, that is, good music, to make the listeners stay tuned, to feel and to know their preferences."
Alina Chiriac-Ivaşcu
Radiomatinal de Weekend
Alina Chiriac-Ivascu listened to the national radio station all that summer, before she came to Radio Moldova. She wanted to understand best the journalist's job. She wanted to try this job, to speak at microphone and then to cross the bridge to Moldova 1. But she loved radio most. Alina Chiriac-Ivascu has been working for Radio Moldova for 23 years. She says that she still has emotions when she talks at the microphone, and that's because, in her opinion, the most beautiful thing is when you're emotionally involved in what you're doing. "The greatest satisfaction in the work we are doing is good people who meet you, writers, and simple people who tell you that they listened to your show and it was so interesting" .
Tatiana Fişer
Spaţiul Public
Tatiana Fiser invites you starting with 10:15, from Monday to Friday to the show “Spatiul Public” focused on problems of the citizens. "When you press the radio button, you do it; first of all, to cover a need, either it is about relaxation, information, loneliness, or all these together. Radio work is like a "chronic illness" you enjoy having discovered it in time. "
Maricica Munteanu
Inconfundabila voce a Maricicăi Munteanu răsună cu multă convingere când vine ora ştirilor la Radio Moldova. În calitate de crainică fusese selectată în urma unui riguros concurs de care îşi aduce aminte şi astăzi. „Ziua de 24 septembrie 1983 a fost una dintre cele mai minunate zile din viaţa mea. Atunci, după ce am susţinut cu succes un riguros concurs, am intrat pentru prima dată în biroul crainicilor, unde i-am cunoscut pe viitorii mei colegi,oameni de o vastă cultură, adevărate enciclopedii, în mijlocul cărora m-am format ca specialist în domeniu. Radio Moldova era pe atunci unicul post de radio si eu m-am considerat o norocoasă, fiind aleasă dintre cei mulţi care şi-ar fi dorit să fie crainic. Astăzi, deşi au trecut atâţia ani, sunt mândră că am susţinut acel examen decisiv pentru mine. Radio Moldova este o şcoală a inteligenţei emoţionale, şcoala, ce ne ajută să spunem cuvintele potrivite la locul potrivit, să fim creativi, să ne înţelegem pe noi înşine pentru a ne motiva decizii
Revenco Alexei
Vocea de aur a postului Radio Moldova
Alexei Revenco venise la Radio Moldova la vârsta de 20 de ani. Trecuse un concurs exigent pentru funcţia de crainic la postul naţional Radio. Aici şi-a început activitatea fiind în ultimul an de studii la Academia de Arte Frumoase. A prezentat emisiuni din diverse domenii, teatru la microfon, vocea lui Alexei Revenco devenind în timp inconfundabilă. În ultimii ani de viaţă Alexei Revenco a fost redactor prezentator în Departamentul Actualităţi Radio.
„Radio Moldova este zbuciumul tinereţii mele frumoase”, spunea Alexei Revenco.
Pentru munca prodigioasă întru promovarea valorilor naţionale, Alexei Revenco a fost distins cu Ordinul ,,Gloria Muncii” şi titlul onorific ,,Maestru în artă”.
Alexei Revenco s-a stins din viaţă pe 11 ianuarie 2021.