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News / Culture

15 Dec. 2018 / 15:54

Academician Mihai Cimpoi - Honorary Citizen of Iasi Municipality

Academician Mihai Cimpoi was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Iasi Municipality. The Festive Meeting In Honorem Mihai Cimpoi took place on December 11, 2018, during the 2nd edition of the "Union through Literature" Symposium, hosted by Iasi City Hall, organized by Iasi City Hall, Iasi Municipal Museum, Union of Writers of the Iasi Branch in partnership with Feed Back Culture Association in Iaşi.

The cultural manifestation was attended by the mayor of Iasi, Mihai Chirica, representatives of Iaşi City Council, culture people, writers from both sides of the Prut River, Cernăuţi.
The following took the floor: Daniel Corbu, writer, Iaşi; Acad. Valeriu Matei, director of ICR “M. Eminescu", Chisinau; Acad. Nicolae Dabija, writer, Chisinau; Bogdan Cretu - director of the "Al. Philippide "of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch; Acad. Vasile Trăţeanu, writer, Cernăuţi
Honorary Citizen Diploma of Iasi was handed to the academician Mihai Cimpoi by the mayor of Iasi, Mihai Chirica.
"It is an official record of the special relations that I have personally with the Cultural League for Romanian Unity and the National Association of Moldovan Culture People with many institutions from Iasi, including the City Hall of the municipality," said academician Mihai Cimpoi.
At the same time, Acad. Cimpoi mentioned the fact that several books appeared in Iaşi, signed by His Eminence, two of which in the prestigious Eminescu Collection "Narcis and Hiperion" and "The Cry of the Defiant". The academician is also coordinator at the "Ion Creanga" Library, Princeps Edit Publishing House, where 30 books about Ion Creanga have already appeared. Now I'm preparing for the Junimea Publishing House something very important, the culture man confessed. "This is a volume of criticism from Maiorescu, because Maiorescu's texts have not yet appeared on Eminescu in a special edition," the eminescologist said.
After the gratitude speech, the encyclopaedic dictionary "Mihai Eminescu", by Mihai Cimpoi, was presented. On the edge of the paper was Theodor Codreanu, critic and literary historian, Huşi. The event ended with the recital of the violinist Viorel Burlacu, Chisinau.

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