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Posted by: Mazur Rodica

News / Culture

04 Apr. 2021 / 16:40

Actor Grigore Grigoriu would have turned 80 today

The great film and theater actor Grigore Grigoriu would have turned 80 years old today.

The writer and the museographer Ion Gaina is among the real admirers of Grigore Grigoriu's creation. On this day, he came with flowers and laid them on the bust of the great actor near the "Ion Ungureanu" District House of Culture in Causeni.

"It is incredible that Grigore Grigoriu left us. It's been many years since he left. We really want to see him again among us. He made us all optimistic. He said that theater remains the quintessence of this nation, he cared so much about theater, in fact it meant theater, cinema. We have a rich exhibition of photos with the actor, theater posters from his period ", said the museographer Ion Găină.

The museographer said that the face of the actor Grigore Grigoriu cannot be forgotten, he is the actor who is memorized by the exceptional face.

He made his debut as a film actor in the film "Poienele roşii", directed by Emil Loteanu. His best known roles are in „Poienele roşii”, „Lăutarii” şi din „Şatra”.

The great actor Grigore Grigoriu was born on April 4, 1941, in  Causeni. The master lost his life on December 20, 2003, in a car accident, when he was returning from hunting in Ştefan Vodă district.

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