photo source: Centrul Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup”
Posted by: Alina Zlatov
News / Economic
08 Sep. 2022 / 16:40
External financial assistance is increasing
The volume of external assistance received by the public institutions of the Republic of Moldova this year is increasing significantly, starting from the second quarter. According to "Expert-Group" estimates, between April and August, the public sector received external loans and grants in the total amount of approximately $327 million, reports Radio Moldova.
External assistance was offered both by financial institutions and based on agreements with the governments of several countries, Marina Soloviova, the director of programs at the Independent Analytical Centre "Expert Grup", told Radio Moldova.
"It is about the loans of the International Monetary Fund - 144 million. It is a large grant from the European Union for budget support of 75 million euros and a loan from the European Union within the macro-financial assistance of 35 million euros and a grant of 15 million euros. We received 20 million from the Government of Poland, $9 million from the International Development Association and other smaller loans and grants. We are going to receive other loans and grants. They are at different stages of negotiation or some of them have even been ratified by the Parliament", said Marina Soloviova.
Some of the projects implemented with the help of external partners are related to the environment, especially ensuring access to water and waste management, explained expert Alexandru Fală.
"These funds go to areas where the Republic of Moldova has greater challenges. Here we refer to the environmental field, such as the population's access to water and waste management. At the same time, it is also an important support for everything that means strengthening the capacities of state institutions in the field of the environment, in terms of certain institutional reforms, expertise in the field of drafting laws, government decisions, training for civil servants who work within the institutions responsible for the environment". said Alexandru Fală.
TRM.MD recalls that this year the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the American Agency USAID, the European Union, the governments of France, Japan and other countries have announced loans and grants to the Republic of Moldova.
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