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Posted by: Golban Ionela

News / Economic

11 Oct. 2022 / 16:16

Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu urges citizens to save electricity

Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spînu, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, urges the population to save electricity. "Saving will allow us to have electricity without having to intervene in daily activities. This is essential until we find suitable solutions from a financial point of view", mentioned Spînu.

"One man alone can never change things, but a whole country can! I am asking everyone, I am asking that all of us, together, do  part of the effort. Today. And tomorow. And in the next period. As long as Ukraine is forced to stop the supply of electricity, and we are forced to use the gas savings to receive our energy needs from MGRES, it is essential that we all save as much as we can," reads a message of the deputy prime minister.

According to him,  electricity can be saved through a few simple actions:

- We unplug chargers and household appliances when we are not using them - this way we can reduce monthly consumption by up to 10%. For example, a washing machine, a printer, an air conditioner, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave oven, an electric oven or a TV that are plugged in consume energy even when they are not in use.

- We turn off the light when we leave the room. Especially between 18:00 and 23:00 when there is the highest consumption.

- We replace classic light bulbs with LED ones, which consume up to 5 times less.

- We always close the computers when we are not using them. They are one of the biggest energy consumers in office buildings.

Spinu said that all public institutions received instructions regarding the reduction of energy consumption. Also, the Government, the Parliament and the Presidency will turn off the lighting between the mentioned hours.

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