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Posted by: Mazur Rodica
News / Political
09 July 2020 / 16:00
Electoral legislation will be changed
The majority of the deputies voted, in today's sitting, for the approval of the draft law for the modification of the Electoral Code, the Contravention Code and the Code of audiovisual media services, in the first reading.
The initiators of the project mention that the document aims at the realization of some addresses of the Constitutional Court, the adjustment of some provisions of the Electoral Code to the norms of the Administrative Code, as well as the improvement of the electoral procedures.
It is proposed to introduce in the Electoral Code the prohibition to use in the electoral campaign and in the actions of electoral agitation the discourse based on hatred or instigator to discrimination, and in the Contravention Code the introduction of sanctions for such actions.
Sanctions are also provided for the involvement of religious denominations in the election campaign, the organized transportation of voters to polling stations if this is intended to cause them to vote for a particular candidate, the involvement of non-profit, charitable and trade union organizations in the election campaign, the non-reflection of the campaign by the media institutions.
The draft contains other amendments, including granting the disabled voter the right to apply the facsimile instead of the signature, granting observers the right to access full voter lists by signing a confidentiality statement, expressly regulating the day the election campaign for the second round begins, the reduction of the voting time, the express establishment of the terms when the electoral lists can be destroyed, etc.
Another proposal provides for the establishment of voting hours from 08:00 to 20:00 compared to 07:00 to 21:00 as at present.
It is also proposed to establish clear rules on the content and manner of conducting election advertising, the appeal procedure, as well as sanctions for initiative groups, electoral contestants, election officials, media institutions.
The changes were widely consulted with civil society on the platform of the Central Electoral Commission.
The bill is also to be voted on in the second reading.
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