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Posted by: Ecaterina Arvintii

News / Regional

12 Sep. 2021 / 17:56

Better conditions at Criuleni District Hospital

Better conditions for the employees, but also for the patients of the Criuleni District Hospital. Recently, the pharmacy and the laundry of the medical institution were repaired, thanks to a partnership established ten years ago between the hospital administration and a group of Swiss investors. Previously, from money donated by them, several sections were renovated, but also several modern equipment were purchased, Moldova 1 reports.

Gheorghe Lupaşcu has been working for more than 40 years as an ophthalmologist-surgeon at the district hospital in Criuleni. He remembers with pain in his soul the conditions that were before.

"After the 90's, we lived through the conflict, we lived hard times. It had become an embarrassing situation in the hospital. Everything was old, we had no equipment or tools. The operating room was in a disastrous state,” says Gheorghe Lupaşcu, a doctor at the Criuleni District Hospital.

The doctor also says that ten years ago the medical institution was visited by a group of doctors from Switzerland, who decided to offer a helping hand.

"We made a high-performance radiological office, we made a major repair in the operating room, with operating microscopes, with endoscopic equipment, with operating tables, with instrumentarium. We can provide assistance at a very high level," says Gheorghe Lupaşcu.

Recently, with the money provided by Switzerland, the institution's pharmacy was repaired, as well as the laundry. The cost of the works amounts to over two million lei.

"We have worked on more than ten projects. For example e-gateway, renovation of the surgical block, sterilizer, an ultramodern elevator. Now, the pharmacy was inaugurated, which the whole district needed, repairs were made in the emergency unit and in the maternity ward. They completely renovated the pharmacy, starting with the equipment, refrigerators, repairs, furniture,” says Aurelia Roman, the institution's director.

During the ten years of partnership with investors from Switzerland, the hospital was repaired in proportion of 75 percent, the amount allocated being over 50 million lei.

"Ten years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Moldova. I went to several hospitals, including Criuleni. What I saw here shocked me. In the surgical block, there was outdated equipment. Instead, I met professional people, eager to work, but without the necessary equipment. That's why we decided we had to help them," said Wicky Beat, president of the association, Switzerland.

The event was also attended by the district leadership.

"It's a very good thing and what we enjoy the most is that everything that is built and done here, at the hospital, is brought locally. They focus more on making conditions for both doctors and patients," said Oleg Ogor, vice president of Criuleni district.

The district hospital in Criuleni was built in 1996 by two doctors, a surgeon and a therapist. At that time, only four sections were open here. Currently, their number has reached 12. Over 110 thousand inhabitants from Criuleni and Dubasari districts benefit from the services of the medical institution.

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