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Posted by: Mazur Rodica

News / Regional

26 Jan. 2020 / 19:22

Glucose meters for the inhabitants of Gagauzia

More than 200 people in Gagauzia received free blood glucose meters, and medical workers explained to people how to use the equipment to control their sugar levels at home. The devices were purchased through a project implemented by the Slovak Embassy in Moldova, with the support of the "Homecare" Association. In this regard, the Slovak Government has allocated 10,000 euros, and the association's contribution amounted to 605 euros, reports Moldova 1.

The Slovak Embassy implements a number of projects in Gagauzia, including social ones. Thus, blood glucose meters will allow more than 200 people to regularly monitor their blood glucose levels for themselves and their families.

“Slovakia has become a reliable partner for us. Gagauzia is open to working with all our partners. The programs implemented here are not just for health, many of them come to support the young people and the business environment,” said Gagauzian bascan Irina Vlah.

"Such projects are very important, because there is an opportunity to see how benefit people. We have already carried out nine such projects in Moldova, including for the visually impaired, in cities such as Tiraspol, Balti and Chisinau,” said Slovak Ambassador to Moldova Dusan Dacho.

According to the data, in Gagauzia about 5,500 inhabitants suffer from diabetes. In the entire country, there are almost 100 thousand diabetics, of whom about 19 thousand are insulin dependent.

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