An entrepreneur from Bălăbăneşti has developed a business with African salmon
He worked in the food industry for many years, and the pandemic forced him to reshape himself and start a successful business. Andrei Prodan from Bălăbăneşti, Criuleni district, built a fish farm where he grows African salmon, considered a delicacy. Moreover, the man obtained a permit to process the fish, informs Moldova 1.
Andrei Prodan says that African salmon is a fish that needs warm water to survive. In the seven pools it has, the temperature varies between 25 and 27 degrees.
"African salmon is the fastest growing species of fish. If we go for the right technology, if it is fed on time and with what it needs, in 5-6 months it reaches 1kg-1.5kg ", says the entrepreneur.
Fish food is imported from Poland. "It is for African salmon that it is a floating grain and especially because salmon is a species of fish that has cannibalism, and that enriches it with all the vitamins," the man added.
The man also set up a fish processing room. According to the contractor, stores or buyers have the requirements to buy cleaned fish. That's why I set up a room that I authorised at the National Agency for Food Safety, and that's where the fish cleaning takes place. The room is equipped with water and sewerage.
The fish is distributed in several chains of stores in the capital and delivered to the consumer at home.
"The species for us in Moldova is little known, but we are happy with the success we have, because we manage to obtain quality meat," said Andrei Prodan.
The entrepreneur has invested over 25 thousand euros in the business.
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