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Posted by: Golban Ionela

News / Social

24 Dec. 2021 / 17:01

BBC: Cobasna ammunition depot raises concerns

The Cobasna depot is one of the least known reminiscences of the Cold War, which after three decades, still raises alarms and concerns, reads a BBC material on ammunition stored in the Transnistrian region of Moldova.

A British expert from Oxford Analytic concludes that although this is an old ammunition depot, with models and types of ammunition that the modern Russian army no longer uses, these are an argument for Moscow to keep its troops in Transnistria. and to influence the Republic of Moldova.

"Their motivation is political. It is absolutely clear. Keeping that ammunition depot, Moscow can say - we're sorry, but we have to take care of the weapons and we have to keep troops there, "said MacLeon, a British expert.

He argues that by having a military presence in the Republic of Moldova, Russia maintains its influence over what is happening in this European aspiration. This type of conflict allows Russia to have an influence on states such as the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, he concluded.

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