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News / Social

11 Dec. 2018 / 16:37

The Republic of Moldova has climbed five positions in the rank of human freedom

The Republic of Moldova climbed five positions in the ranking of human freedom, positioning itself 75th among 162 countries of the world. Ukraine is ranked 118th, while Russia - 120th.

The ranking includes 83 indicators of personal, civil and economic freedoms, reflecting 12 areas of human activity on a scale of ten points. Moldova's index was 6.85, as did Nicaragua, Jordan, Bahrain, Mexico and Haiti.

The Republic of Moldova has the highest score on freedom of choice of identity and personal relations - 10 points, security - 8.7 and free movement - 8.3. The worst situation is in the quality of the legal system and the protection of property rights, as well as the rule of law.

The ranking is headed by New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia and Canada. The last countries in the ranking are Yemen, Venezuela and Syria.


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