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Posted by: Golban Ionela

News / Social

01 Nov. 2022 / 10:25

The medical system in our country is facing a migration crisis

The medical system in our country is facing a migration crisis due to the low economy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. According to experts, more and more people are leaving the Republic of Moldova, due to the lack of jobs and low salaries, Radio Moldova reports.

Due to the COVD-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the country's economy has declined, and many people are leaving the Republic of Moldova, said academician Stanislav Groppa. According to him, it is necessary to improve the medical system in our country in order to strengthen the conditions in which most doctors work.

"Due to the large flow of people fleeing from the plagues, both qualitative medical assistance of a high level of professionalism and psychological involvement and organisations are required", declared the academician Slanislav Groppa.

Migration is a factor that has influenced the number of jobs in the medical sector, declares the vice-rector for didactic activity, Olga Cerneţchi. According to her, both external and internal migration influence the medical sector, especially in the last ten years, when the population of the Republic of Moldova began to decrease significantly.

"It is already known that in crisis conditions in exceptional conditions among all the existing demographic parameters, migration is the most amplified, it takes on a special magnitude, both external and internal migration", Olga Cerneţchi said.

TRM.MD recalls that "Health and migration in Europe" was the theme of a forum attended by national and international experts in the field of medicine.

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