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Posted by: Rusica Viorica

News / Social

19 Sep. 2021 / 09:57

Low temperatures forecast for the next period will not affect crops, experts say

Autumn is coming to an end, and the first frosts are forecast at the beginning of the week. At night, but also in the early hours of the morning, temperatures of up to -3 degrees will be recorded in the localities in the north of Moldova. Meanwhile, agricultural experts say low temperatures will not affect crops, Mesager reports.

According to the State Hydrometeorological Service, the thermal values ​​are normal for this period. In the previous years, at the beginning of autumn, there were frosts at ground level.

"We expect these frosts to be on the surface of the soil. We have had such phenomena in previous years, but not so early in this period and with an intensity of up to -3 degrees Celsius, because such temperatures on average are recorded once every 20-30 years. In general, such frosts are attested at the beginning of October ", says Ghenadie Roşca, head of the Weather Forecasting Center.

According to experts, vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers could freeze. Instead, vineyards and orchards will not be affected by these frosts.

"Great damage up to -3 degrees, during this period will not be, especially in the north of the republic, because there are no grapes. The only crop that can suffer is vegetables in the open field ", says Pintilie Pârvan, doctor of agriculture.

According to the State Hydrometeorological Service, the weather will warm up after September 24.

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