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Posted by: Carolina Străjescu

News / Social

22 May 2022 / 15:05

Ukraine introduces restrictions in several border areas with the Republic of Moldova

From 23 May 2022, regime restrictions will be introduced in the Odessa, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky and Bolgrad border districts of the Odessa region. This was announced by the press service of the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky border detachment, Radio Moldova reports.

The new rules will apply to areas located 500 metres from the Ukrainian state border line. In these areas, the passage of persons will be prohibited, except for the local population and persons working in the indicated territory, landowners, transit passage, as well as persons who go to relatives and have a notarized invitation.

Pedestrians and Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 have also been banned from travelling on the Odessa-Reni route in the Palanca region, except for those with legal reasons to travel abroad.

At the same time, public transport is allowed, the Odessa-Reni road is not closed, travel is free for all. Additional verification of the purpose of the trip is possible, in particular at the Maiaki and Udobno checkpoints.

The restrictions will not refer to the representatives of the military formations, the civil protection bodies, the communal services, the emergency medical services, the truckers.

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