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Posted by: Mazur Rodica

News / Social

16 Dec. 2020 / 16:58

The vaccine against COVID-19 could arrive in Moldova in March-April

The vaccine against the new Coronavirus could arrive in the Republic of Moldova in March-April next year. Our country could benefit from a free batch of serum needed to immunize 20% of the population. This was announced by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection (MSMPS) Mariana Golovaci during the show "Moldova Live". Unlike the producing countries, the serum approved at this moment by Great Britain and the United States will not be able to be used in the Republic of Moldova and this is because our country does not have the necessary storage conditions, reports Moldova 1.

"For the other countries of the world that do not have production capacity and have to purchase, that international COVAX platform is established. The Republic of Moldova applied very early in the summer. What our colleagues from the World Health Organization (WHO) tell us will not be earlier than March, possibly even April, but it is a period in which the Republic of Moldova could benefit from that lot, including free, insured for 20% of the population," said the secretary of state.

Currently, at the national level, a special commission has been set up to negotiate with the WHO both the type of vaccine appropriate for our country and the categories of people to be immunized in the initial stages. Unlike countries that produce the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, the Republic of Moldova will not be able to use this serum. According to specialists, both conditions for transporting and storing the vaccine require special conditions, such as containers that can maintain a constant temperature of -70 degrees Celsius, possibilities that our country does not have.

"Unfortunately, the Pfizer vaccine cannot be used in the Republic of Moldova for technical reasons, because it must be kept at -70 degrees. Therefore, from the beginning this vaccine decays from discussions. For the Phaiser vaccine, it is necessary to form vaccination centers with specific equipment, trained personnel. A refrigerator alone costs ten thousand US dollars and we certainly don't have that possibility. Secondly, even if we find sufficient financial resources, we need to think about what we will do in the next period with these refrigerators, centers, because the vaccines we use do not require such technology," says Angela Paraschiv, chairwoman of the commission specialized within MSMPS.

To date, in the Republic of Moldova, over 128 thousand people have contracted the COVID-19 virus, of whom more than 2,600 have died of the disease.

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