
photo source: Imagine simbol

Posted by: Ecaterina Arvintii

News / Economic

25 Nov. 2022 / 14:44

The Republic of Moldova acquires more energy from Romania. What is the purchase price

SA Energocom has increased the volumes of electricity purchased directly from producers in Romania. Thus, from Friday, November 25, the Oltenia Energy Complex will supply the Republic of Moldova with 20 MWh of bandwidth (24 hours out of 24) at a price of 900 RON/MWh, and from December 1 SA Energocom will procure from OMV Petrom SA 80 MWh of bandwidth, 30 MWh more than at present. The price of energy according to this contract is 450 RON/MWh. Also, from December 1, CET Craiova will deliver 5 MWh to the Republic of Moldova at a price of 1,000 RON/MWh.

According to an informative note issued by Energocom, in total, as of today, based on bilateral contracts, the Republic of Moldova procures about 2,000 MWh from Romania, and on days off - 2,500 MWh. From December 1, these volumes will increase to 2,700 MWh on working days and 3,200 MWh on weekends.

"The country's need now represents around 13,000 MWh per day, of which the electricity produced by internal sources (local CETs and renewable sources) constitutes around 2,500 MWh, around 20% of consumption", announces Energocom.

According to the cited source, approximately two-thirds of the electricity requirement is purchased daily from the Romanian stock exchange, managed by the state company OPCOM.

SA Energocom announces that it is conducting negotiations to conclude direct contracts with other energy companies from other countries, such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia.

"In Romania, there are certain limits related to an emergency ordinance due to which long-term contracts cannot be concluded, with prices other than those on the stock market, but we are looking for solutions and are constantly in discussions with our Romanian colleagues. At the same time, the documents for obtaining the licence in Bulgaria were submitted the other day, which will allow us to register on the local stock exchange and conclude advantageous contracts", said the director of SA Energocom, Victor Bânzari.

TRM.MD recalls that Energocom procured, for the first time, electricity from the Romanian market at the end of October, with the aim of diversifying the sources of purchasing energy resources.

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